Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Reaction to The Stranger

At first I didn't really think that I was going to enjoy reading this book but I actually think this book is really good. I like how the book is written by using short sentences and it also gives the readers a lot of detail to let you know what is going on so you can really be apart of the story.

Meursault has a strange attitude towards certain things, mostly people. I don't know if that is just how i'm seeing or what. I noticed that he wasn't really impacted in a big way when he found out about his mothers death and how he didn't really do anything when he saw his dog getting beat up by Salamano. He seems to only care about Marie and everything that is happening over there and not really anything else. Meursault also is the type of person that doesn't like change. He likes to stick with his daily routine. It might take you a second to realize but when you look back through it you can see how all he does is go to the same job everyday, see the same people everyday, he eats the same food everyday, etc.


  1. I totally agree with your claim that Meursault is immutable. When I was reading the passage where he was talking about change I also noticed how his life is the same everyday. I think that the continual reference to eating at Célestes corroborates this. I definitely feel like an important motif in the book is change, and we will see how Meursault reacts to it.

  2. I feel the same way towards this novel. At first it wasn't captivating my attention but as the book goes on, the short sentences really build Meursault's character. As well the language continues to build the plot up and makes it such an interesting read. One other thing is I love how through all those short and abrupt sentences Camus is able to build a complex plot interwoven with motifs left and right.
