Friday, October 21, 2016

Meursault and Mathew, Twins?

Trust is a film which embodies The Stranger. In his book, The Stranger, Camus is able to show the thoughts of a man named Meursault. Throughout the book, Meursault is shown as a passive person who does not respond to others the way that society says he should. One example is when Marie asks Meursault if he loves her. His response is passive and does not care either way. This is only one example from the book, but throughout the story he acts in this passive manner. 

In the film Trust the main characters act in a similar way. Mathew asks Maria to move away from his mother. He says all of the different ways he feels about her, and tries to stay away from the concept of love. She asks him whether all of these things such as wanting to be together result in Mathew loving Maria. Mathew is passive about this circumstance. He comes to the conclusion that he does, but something in the manner of ¨I guess so." Both Trust and The Stranger are similar because the main characters are passive and go with the flow when the circumstance is the thought of love.

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion, both The Stranger and Truth are very revolutionary pieces of art. I feel like the connection between The Stranger and Truth is too stretched, though. The movie is describing the problems of marriage, the transition between childhood and adulthood, jobs expectations. On another hand The Stranger shows the problems of our expectations of morality as a community, describing that not feeling regret and sorrow is more wrong than killing a man.
