Monday, January 29, 2018

Good or Bad

     Everyone suffers in some way; unhappiness and suffering is inevitable. We all experience it some way, shape or form, whether it be form the smallest inconvenience to something that we think might end us. Now that we know we can't avoid, should we see it as a good or a bad thing? I am in no way saying that going through bad things is a good thing but maybe we can put it in a lighter light. Instead of viewing unfortunate events as terrible things that off put our mood we may be able to change that(of course grieve and feel our emotions) but also see how it may change us for the better for example making one stronger as a person or viewing things more openly in the future.
     Therefore, should we allow suffering which is inevitable to affect us as deeply as we let it. I don't think that is our best option, why not try to see the better in things before immediately allowing it to destroy us. We can use it to our benefit by learning things from it and becoming smarter and stronger.
     Like in Frankl's heart-wrenching story of the holocaust survival, he didn't allow the terrible things that happened to him bring him down on a daily basis, although it did affect him deeply, he used that time to become more in touch with himself and to get to know his surroundings.

1 comment:

  1. I like what you wrote in your blog post. I agree that suffering is in no means ok or good but it can change you for the rest of your life. You begin to see things in a different way and do things that you would never do. Suffering allows you to look at life differently and not take for granted the things that you might have before.
