When we first began reading Citizen, the first connection that came to my mind while reading Citizen was the music video and song “This is America”, by Donald "Childish Gambino" Glover. They are told in very different ways, one in rap and one in literature, but both have the same point. They both expose the main issues of race in America that are always talked about as these main issues and are so obvious to people who are actually recognizing what is going on, but nothing ever happens to change these things. Gambino's song is a fantastic song and his words have a very deep meaning, but the music video is what really conveys what he is trying to get to people. Gambino uses very graphic images and scenes in his video that make you as a listener and watcher, be like "damn", but the reality is that is what the reality in America is when it comes to civil rights. It is always talked about how racism in this country is one of its worst flaws, which is a fact, but things like black violence in poor communities to each other, police brutality and other terrible things continue to carry on, and America just keeps on singing. This relates directly to Citizen because it is another example of someone speaking out and actually getting down and sharing the facts of what goes on in this country.
Really powerful of your imagery and connection to the song