Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Holes in Existentialism

The philosophy of existentialism is going to take a lot of hits from the average person because it pretty much says all that they submit to is not real. The happiness they feel is not the golden happiness it could be if they found their own way. The god they praise is a construct. They passion they have is not true. The love they feel is a construct. All of the things around them have been made and that their happiness should not depend on anything but their acts and their will.

This frankly does not sit well with me.

To start, the society we live in is the society we live in. It has been in creation for thousands of years and is the product of all of the history our ancestors have written. They left us with things to strive for, wealth, family, happiness and love among other things. An existentialist would claim that these things don't mean anything because they were not created through our own will. But what I would say to that is so what.

All of the things that people strive for in this day and age give them happiness and life. They work to make money to buy necessities and what they want. They work to provide for their family. They work to give themselves a life they like to live. Who is to say that this is fake. That this is not the real way to live life. This society gives people to find things that they love and strive for them, giving people a purpose. Purpose is what it is all about. Without this you will be lost and not know where to go. Without purpose people loose sight of what is good for them and what they want to peruse.

Why would someone take this purpose away for someone and replace it with "you must find what you want by yourself without any influence." This leaves the average person without guidance on a road that is supposed to lead to happiness. However we live in a society that is able to and has given purpose to the lives of millions and millions of people without leaving them alone to find their own way of life. I would rather design my own goals with the guidance of society than to be placed in a dark room searching for an undefined purpose set by myself.

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful of the individualist perspective of life.
