Although this now Oscar winning movie was in the category of horror it can also be scene as satire depending on how you look at it. This movie attacks the binary of white vs black in a way many other films chose not to. The film forces you to look at it through a black perspective, which means with skepticism. But the thing what makes this interesting to analyze as satire is the fact that the film is itself is not satirical but the binary and the way it is attacked. Something that has been a touchy issue for as long as we can remember seemed to be improving on the surface but as we can see from the movie and the perspective its written in nothing has truly gotten better.
Get Out displays the fear of blacks dating their previous oppressors but in a deeper way. Yes it touches on the racist comments that we may only catch but it also touches on the idea of returning to the older days on a lower scale which is private slavery. Essentially, this is just showing the fear of a black dating a white and it is satirical because the relationship has supposedly grown and become better but in reality it didn't.
I liked your analysis of this movie, and I also noticed the binaries being exemplified in the movie. It was a really good satire because it walked right on the line between being funny and frightening. I was so happy that it won an Oscar last night!