Sunday, November 13, 2016


The book citizen talks about hate and racist language towards African Americans. What they go through and fight through every single day. I myself am a African American male who everyday has to worry about simple things in life that would be easy for some but extremely difficult for others. I have to worry about going into stores and people following me around and the usual black stereotypes. The one thing that I don't even think some African Americans even know is that we have to work almost twice as hard than people of other races. Now I'm not saying that all other races are privileged because that is certainly not the case but I think it is so dumb when you treat a certain group of people one way even though you would never want to step a minute in their shoes because you know how much hate they receive. These last couple of weeks in English we have talked about race a lot and I think that it has had a deep affect on me because I just start to think how is everyone else is thinking about this compared to me.

1 comment:

  1. Its nice to hear different perspective from many high school students. This isn't the first time I've heard blacks reputation and their identity not being privileged.
