Friday, August 28, 2015

Escape From Spiderhead and A Clockwork Orange- Similarities

When I read escape from spiderhead, the one thing I was thinking about was A Clockwork Orange-- a work of literature by Anthony Burgess in 1962. Similarly, it's about a semi-delinquent teenager who brushes with the law and then gets a lengthy sentence. Though a delinquent, he in reality is quite smart and heard about a new program that would get him out of jail in two years. He works his way up the ladder and gets himself into the program to find that it's much worse than he thought. He's become a psychological lab rat to see if they can reverse his criminal tendencies through intense psychological torture and institutionalization. When he gets out it seems like things could be good-- but that isn't quite the case. For sake of not spoiling, (because you really should read/watch it,) I won't go any further about A Clockwork Orange. In Escape From Spiderhead, there are clearly many similarities-- but it's almost a continuation, with multiple criminals being treated as lab rats for the sake of the state, rather than (almost) for their own benefit. Interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the comparison between A Clockwork Orange and Escape from Spiderhead. I think that both of these stories pose interesting questions about the ethics of human experimentation.
