Thursday, December 11, 2014

Predictable and Cliche

When it comes to movie selections, romantic comedies are probably last on my list. As we were told to blog about one of our favorites or a discussion of a rom-com, my mind was truly blank. I could not remember the last romantic comedy I liked, more so even remember watching. But then it came to me that just last weekend, as my friends and I sat on the couch doing nothing, we put on a random movie on Netflix. I now realize that this was a clear romantic comedy, and as bad as the movie was, our boredom led us to watch the entire film. This may have been the most cliche and predictable movie in recent history, but nonetheless it was a rom-com. Camp Takota starts off with a mid-20's woman with a 'big' job opportunity coming up and her wedding in the coming weeks. But as a five year old could have predicted, everything goes wrong. She ends up losing her job because of a social media scandal, and when she comes home that day to tell her fiance, she walks in on him with another woman. But luckily for her, she had just walked into an old camp director on the street who offered her to go be a counselor. So good for her, she gives this lady a call after her horrible life changing day, and plans to leave for the camp the next day. As she arrives at the camp, it is a dud of a camp with only two other counselors and no cell phone service. But as she steps out of the car, she makes eye contact with one of the only two guys at the camp, absolute shocker. So as the movie continues, she becomes best friends with the counselors, and comes to know this guy she saw. Now, toward the end, she gets a message delivered that her boss wants to give her job back. Uh oh, Dilemma!! does she stay or does she go? Well she starts for the bus, but as she gets there, turns around and stays at camp. Now on the last night of camp, her and her new "boyfriend" are talking to the kids. Out of nowhere, the ex-boyfriend runs from out of the woods, wow. He encounters Elise, but her new boyfriend steps in, and a fight proceeds. The old boyfriend then runs away, and shortly after, it is clear that Elise and her new guy will be together for a while. This type of movie, the most predictable of all, seems to me a classic rom-com. Although somewhat entertaining, I would say rom-coms are not my favorite! Too predictable and cliche, almost all rom-coms like this one do not catch my eye. I feel like it is hard to make a memorable or unique romantic comedy. But as I am not a frequent rom-com watcher, I do not have many movies to base my characterizations on.

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