Thursday, March 10, 2016

Orientalism: A Web Thicker Than We Thought

Said´s postcolonial theory of Orientalism is complex. He writes that Orientalism is the political mindset that emphasizes differences between the West and East. Further, that people of the ¨Orient" are the ultimate ¨other" because they are engrossed in religion and are incapable of rationality. The myth of Orientalism has been solidified into fact in Western cultures, as is evident in studies of eastern cultures. Said attributes this action to European political dominance in the Middle East. As one of my classmates brought up earlier this week, ¨The winners write history¨. That phrase applies well to this part of Said´s ideas.

Said´s postcolonial theory also brings a fresh perspective to Western culture. First, he highlights the fact that modern imperialism is even more dangerous than ancient imperialism because conquerors want to impose ideology. Also, he writes that Western cultures sort of depend on the Orient as a model for various parts of society. In other words, we define our society as not that. Overall, he believes Orientalism is still prevalent in the Western mindset.

I thought Said´s ideas were interesting and provocative. I didn´t fully realize how much this ¨web¨ ideas and attitudes about another part of the world affects life right at home. I see it in movies such as Aladdin and even recognize a bit of it in my freshman year World History class. The unit we did on eastern cultures such as India or countries in the Middle East focused on religion and societal differences. The focus wasn´t necessarily bad, but I can see where my classmate is coming from with the phrase, ¨The winners write history¨.


  1. Great post! I like that you included the "winners write history" comment which has a lot of truth, especially in our textbooks. Unfortunately, we will probably never get the chance to read a history book written in the perspective of someone from the East.

  2. I agree! I also liked the "winners write history" bit. It's sort of an easier to understand way of putting a lot of the complicated things Said is talking about.

  3. I like the imagery of orientalism being a web because all of this ideology is interconnected in such a way that it's hard to rid of all the underlying prejudice that infects aspects of Western life that we don't even realize
