Thursday, December 11, 2014

I Can't Believe Someone Hasn't Already Brought This Up

Two words: Monty Python.

Perhaps one of the most iconic, relatively-contemporary examples of satire is the famous and infamous Monty Python. His works, including Life of Brian and The Search for the Holy Grail have become legendary for their clever use of satirical humor, from hyperbolic plots to understated and sarcastic one-liners.

A few of my favorite examples are as follows, for those of you who need a reminder or have yet to witness the glorious satirical hilarity that Monty Python brings to the world:

1. During Life of Brian, at the end of the film, the main characters are being pinned to crosses to die. So, naturally, they begin to sing the now well-known song, "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life." Optimism and life while one is about to be crucified? If there's not a horrendous irony to that then I have no grasp of what irony is.

2. The great and fabulous King Arthur in Holy Grail traverses the kingdom while on his quest, and finds that the peasants have no idea who he is or even where he is from, and as he tries to assert his authority they question the fact that his "noble steed" is merely a lackey clapping coconuts together. Not only that but King Arthur consistently forgets the number three when he counts. This exaggerated view of royalty is not only amusing, but reveals the facade that is the royal system.

3. Later in Holy Grail is the scene known most commonly by its featured item: The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. This hand grenade is supposedly blessed by God and an elaborate religious speech is required to use it, before one "may blow thine enemies to bits, in thy mercy." In the movie, it is used to blow up a demon rabbit who annihilates all who challenge it in a bloody massacre. The rabbit is an ironic enemy, whose demise is brought on by the exaggerated and ironic Holy Hand Grenade in one of my favorite movie scenes of all time.

There are countless other examples, but I think if anyone is looking for a spectacular example of satire, Monty Python is definitely the place to look.


  1. Oh my god I love Monty Python. If I could work for the Ministry of Silly Walks, I think I'd be in heaven. One of the reasons we find a lot of Monty Python (and satire in general) so funny, especially the content you mentioned, is because of how offensive it can be. The Holy Grail mocks Christianity to its core, and yet my die hard Roman Catholic grandmother still loved seeing Spamalot this summer. Satire is the best.

  2. I haven't seen Monty Python, but I have heard a lot about it and these examples of irony and satire are spot on. Monty Python does have a reputation as great satirical humor and I don't think it's going anywhere.

