Monday, November 3, 2014

Life Lessons From Frankl

I though the parallels between King Lear and A Man's Searching For Meaning powerful yet surprising. Both pieces portray men struggling to find themselves and their power. King Lear is struggling to deal with the fact that he is getting older and his power is vanishing and Frankl describes his experience with a concentration camp. Although the connections between these two individuals are strong, I think Frankl's story deserves all the attention.

After reading his story, I was amazed. Viktor Frankl is incredibly determined and strong willed. He took the worst possible circumstance and still learned from it. I think this is a lesson in itself. Frankl shows that grit and hope can help anyone stay strong through any challenge or setback. Even in the most awful situations, Frankl was able to find things of beauty and I have no doubt that this ability directly attributed to his survival.

If King Lear was a real and alive today, I think he could learn a lot from Frankl. Lear would avoid many of his problems if he approached them with the determination and concentration of Frankl.

1 comment:

  1. There are many points in the play when Lear seems to be delirious, having gone mad considering the situation. I agree that if he could try to avoid giving into these moments of insanity, he would be better equipped to deal with the situation at hand.
