Friday, February 22, 2019

Whale You Don't Say

Whale Won't Shut Up About Time It Was Beached uses understatement to emphasize the seriousness of climate change specifically warming waters and sea level. The post understatement casually introduces a whale complaining about a beached whale thinking been there done that. The whale seems to be sick of the story because c'est la vie; he can't stand it. The annoyed friend of the beached whale says, “Christ, whenever someone even mentions the shore, the coast, sand, anything, he immediately chimes in with the same goddamn story about the time he got stranded out of the water for ‘a whole day," Obviously, to the peer whale, being beached doesn't mean shit nowadays. 

By taking this route of satire, the reader leaves feeling empathetic and guilty. The tone of the sassy whale adds the the understatement of the post. "We’ve all heard a million times that the only thing he could do was flap his tail and how it took 30 rescue workers to get him back into the ocean. Just give it a rest—anyone can be beached, okay? Big deal." The whales real life complaining does't leave the reader historical rather questionable. The sadness of how casual it is leaves the reader not feeling happy through comedy, rather guilty.  

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