Friday, February 22, 2019

Blogging Satire

The first blogging assignment (unless you choose the creative, original satire project) is to discuss a work of contemporary satire: a film, TV show, song, etc, from the last few years that uses humor to make a larger point about society.

Even though we have often discussed satire of the construction of gender or race, your example does not need to involve race or gender as its primary subject matter.

Your post should include the following:
1. A summary of the work of culture -- maybe including a link to a video or lyrics.
2. An analysis of how the work uses techniques of satire -- irony, hyperbole, understatement, and/or parody.
3. An analysis of how the work is not simply making fun of certain people or institutions but how the work is trying to criticize and ultimately change society.

Note that I'm asking you to do more than just #1 -- giving us an example.  You need to analyze and reflect on that example.

And remember to also comment on two of your classmates' posts as well.

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