Monday, August 31, 2015

No Grand Finale

The end of Escape from Spiderhead was disappointing for me. I was expecting a big plot twist or a horrifying last paragraph, but it never came. I did like the description of Jeff flying up with the birds when he died because it made the story slightly less depressing, but it wasn't the ending I was hoping for.
However, I really enjoyed the rest of the story. Saunders' idea was unique and left me wondering about the events that led up to where the story began. It's weird to think that in the future this story might not be unrealistic.


  1. I had a similar reaction to the end of the story. I thought Abnesti would come bursting through the door and Jeff would be in serious trouble. However, the description of Jeff free and flying like a bird was a nice contrast to the Spiderhead. Maybe a decade ago it was unfathomable to imagine a world like one described in this chapter. Today it isn't so far-fetched. I feel there is a culture that encourages suppressed emotions and not feeling the full extent of emotions like sadness.

  2. I feel you Hannah! I agree that the ending of the book was a bit of a surprise, because I had hoped Jeff would actually escape Spiderhead and end up pursing a brighter future. It is alarming however, that so many authors have explored this subject in writing because, like you said, this could be well in our future. I don't totally know if it will be as extreme as these circumstances, but humans are becoming more and more dependent on drugs (many for logical, medical reasons), but to an extent this could become our future.

  3. It's interesting that you thought the ending made the story less depressing! Like Katelyn I was hoping that Jeff would actually escape and go one with his life, and when he died I was left feeling confused and sad for him. The fact that the story equates freedom with death is a bit disturbing to me. I wish the ending provided more closure!

  4. Hannah, I completely agree that the ending of the story wasn't nearly as grand as I was expecting, and like many of the other commenters, I too was hoping Jeff would escape and lead a more normal life after escaping. When Jeff was dying though, he seemed almost relieved and that's when I realized that the best thing for Jeff was to die.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I completely agrre. The ending was not exactly what I was hoping for. In order for Jeff to finally be free, he had to die. I wouldn't necessarily like to associate death with freedom, so I though that was interesting. I also did like the rest of the story though as well.Jeff was always consenting to Abnesti's orders, but I like that at the end he finally decided that enough was enough and said no. In the end I really think Jeff did what was best for him in the situation.
