Friday, August 28, 2015

Start From A Clean Slate

"Every human is born of man and woman. Every human, at birth, is, or at least has the potential to be, beloved of his/her mother/father. Thus every human is worthy of love."

Jeff acknowledges the equality of all humans in this quote as he sympathizes with a struggling Heather.In the quote above, Jeff explains that every person has a baseline of opportunity and implies that the path of life may change the outcome, creating variations from person to person. By saying this, he accepts his differences from others and accepts that even though the people he meets in Spiderhead may not be the best model citizens, they originally were the same as everyone else. However, this variation is what makes us individuals which we should cherish. For everyone to be the same would be like a room painted completely white where everything would blend into it's surroundings, you wouldn't be able to tell where one person started and the other began. 


  1. I really like this analysis of the quote. It seems like he's looking at the person as a whole instead of defining them by the crimes they've committed. I think that this way of looking at the world is really positive and it would be amazing if everyone thought the way Jeff did here.

  2. When I read that passage, the quote really stuck out to me, and I think your analysis is great! I love the way you really broke it down and expanded what he meant, and how even if someone has done something bad, that does not mean that they are a terrible person.
