Sunday, February 1, 2015

"Travelling Through the Dark"

One of my favorite poems that we read would have to be "Travelling Through the Dark" by William E. Stafford. The poem is about a man driving on a narrow road when he comes across a dead deer. The poem gives an in-depth explanation behind the man's reasoning for pushing the pregnant deer into the river. The speaker uses simple statements in the beginning and the story becomes more complex and connects the beginning to the end when he says: “that road is narrow; to swerve might make more dead” and “I thought hard for us all-my own swerving-, then pushed her over the edge into the river”. I think that the man is talking to anyone else who could be in his be in his predicament because when he says "I thought hard for us all", I assumed that he was thinking about anyone else who could have hit the deer or driven off the side of the road. He had to consider what to do for the greater good.

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