Thursday, March 10, 2016

It´s an Orientalist Life

Edward Said suggests that orientalism is the perception of the East from the West perspectives. Said says that orientalism favors the West and that it makes the West seem to be superior to the East as it is the vantage point by which we as a society see the other culture. It seems to be a much more evolved to the uncivilized and disorganized East. These biases have become ingrained in societal perception of the East.

In consideration of the orientalist view s that exist right now, the perception that permeeates throughout American culture is the perception of the Middle East. It is seen as savagery and through political campaigning and media people believe that the Middle East is savage and brute. For example, the film Aladdin and Argo both depict the Middle East as a completely foreign and almost extra terrestrial land that is unlike that of the West.


  1. Argo was a good film to bring up on this topic. Also I agree that the biases created from Orientalism are ingrained in our idea of the East, as problematic as that is.

  2. I completely agree with you about the West's Orientalism infused perception of the Middle East. I think the movies that you listed are especially powerful in continue to shape this perception and are even lauded (Argo won Best Picture at the Oscars).
